This month, our Editorial Director, Rachel Guest, takes over THE FULLEST Faves. Rachel lived in Los Angeles for five years but moved back to Australia a few years ago. Since then, we’ve loved picking her brain about emerging wellness brands and places to visit from down under and asked her to round up a few of her favorite products, rituals, and places that are currently lighting up her Southern Hemisphere world.

Bed Threads

I’ve found that you’re either obsessed with bed linens or you’re not — there’s no middle ground. I fall into the former category and get a ridiculous amount of joy from new sheets, clean sheets, a colorful cushion, or a gifted throw — the list goes on. This Aussie company brings to life everything I love about textiles and allows me to customize my sheet bundle to my Type A bedroom interiors needs. Plus, all their sheets and duvet covers are made in 100% flax linen (and they ship internationally).

Loco Love

Technically, this Byron Bay brand is a chocolate company but for me it’s more of an experience. I’ve always loved the way that both the chocolate and the website feel like a portal. It’s not just their high-integrity ingredients that have an intention, every element feels purposeful and nourishing. We actually caught up with the founder Emica Penklis on THE FULLEST Podcast and learned about her journey and chocolate alchemy process.

Exheal™ soothing saffron salt bath

Ever since my teen years, I’ve been a huge fan of a long bath and have always found them to be deeply restorative. We’ve just headed into Australian “winter” and for me that’s always meant prime bath season. Lately, I’ve been adding our Exheal™ soothing saffron salt bath and found it has all the detox and muscle relaxing benefits of a sea salt bath plus helps my digestion massively. It’s a true parasympathetic nervous system winner.

The Calile Hotel

Although I live in Brisbane, I still love visiting The Calile Hotel. It has a Palm Springs meets bustling inner city feel and its interior design is an experience in and of itself. Plus, it’s in the James St district of Brisbane and is surrounded by gorgeous restaurants and stores. If you’ve got a Brisbane trip coming up, definitely check it out.

Grown Alchemist

In an effort to take better care of my hands and move further into peak adulthood, I’ve invested in quality hand soap and cream. Grown Alchemist is an Aussie brand that smells incredible, nourishes skin, and its fragrance is addictive (to the point that I’m quite okay being the strange woman in the grocery store that keeps smelling her hands).

Vintage Furniture

Living in Los Angeles saw me fall in love with vintage furniture and I’d spend my weekends sourcing and scrolling through some amazing vintage stores for chairs, lamps, and art. A few of my US favorites were In The Comfort Of, Vintage on Point and 45 Three Modern. Moving back to Australia, I was unsure if there’d be similar furniture stores or re-sellers but I was pleasantly surprised and have since been scouring the Instagram handles and shop floors of Curated Spaces, Tigmi Trading, and Breen Interiors.

Flamingo Estate Australia Sandalwood Candle

Everything Flamingo Estate touches is magic and they truly bring to life their philosophy of radical pleasure from the garden. The founder Richard Christiansen is an Australian living in Los Angeles and I love reading his newsletters that hark back to his childhood in rural Australia and the wisdoms and lessons from his upbringing that he has taken into his adult American life. You can also find remnants of its cultural roots in his botanical line — like this rich White Paperbark candle — that is fresh and wild and captures the unique fragrance of the Australian Northern Territory (one of my most favorite places in Australia).Rachel Guest is the Editorial Director at THE FULLEST and a forever student of all things wellness and healing. She feels incredibly privileged to be able to learn as she edits the contributions from the inspiring and knowledgeable roster of THE FULLEST writers.


Herbs as a Path to Healing with Organic Olivia


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