In My Orbit with Dana Penenberg of Original Imprint Birth

Dana Penenberg grew up in Los Angeles with a father rooted in orthopedic surgery and Western medicine, and a mother who raised her on herbs, homeopathy, and organic food. Exploring the best of both worlds led Dana to her own healing path. Through personal inquiry, she found teachers that had a profound influence on her and shaped the work she does today — serving her clients, mothers and babies, through a variety of modalities including craniosacral therapy, holistic birth coaching, and somatic healing. A Malibu local, it’s no surprise that organic and seasonal nutrition, the ocean, animals, and nature are always floating in Dana’s orbit in one way or another. Read on for Dana’s practices, insights, and dreams on the horizon.

Q: This is obviously a moving target — but what’s your current wellness philosophy?

A: After seeking help from many doctors and healers, I’ve come to the perspective that there is nothing “wrong” with the body. Rather, it is my work to understand its messages, eliminate the interference, and relate to all that is perfect, whole, and intelligent within me. So, I live in a way where I’m in dialogue and reverence with my body. That is the approach I take with my clients as well. As a result, the system can finally exhale, let go, and find the healing it is seeking. Coincidentally, it is much the same with the physiological birth process. It is an inner intelligence that simply needs permission and safety to express.

Q: Which foods are currently taking prime position in your kitchen pantry?

A: We prioritize getting organ meats into our diet for the nutrient density. I order bison liver and a ground blend with liver and heart from Northstar Bison. I portion out the liver and put it in my morning smoothie. The ground blend goes into burgers, enchiladas, pasta sauce, etc. Northstar Bison is an incredible regenerative farm, truly healing our bodies and soil! Our favorite grass-fed ghee of the moment is from Dr. Cowan. Our fruit bowl is flowing with fresh, farmer’s market white peaches and nectarines!

Q: What’s your works-every-single-time mood booster?

A: A local hike with my man and kitty, Phoenix (in his cat-backpack).

Q: The last thing you Googled?

A: “organic wedding cake”

Q: Who (or what) can you count on to make you laugh?

A: My kitty when he chirps at the birds. He sat in our yard and had a whole conversation with a hummingbird the other day.

Q: Is there a practice, item, or piece of wisdom you’ve kept from childhood that still holds meaning for you today?

A: I would say that it’s my connection to the plants around me. I grew up being able to munch veggies in our garden and decorate each room with fragrant flowers I’d collected. I’m very familiar with California flora, so I often grab things to smell or snack on along my hikes. My fiancé and I happen to live on the property of a nursery, so plants are very much something we both find joy in.

Q: When do you feel most beautiful?

A: After spending time relaxing in the sun and grounding, whether in our yard or at the beach.

Q: Are there any healers or teachers you have on speed dial?

A: Yes! My homeopath and my sisters in the birth community.

Q: What’s your preferred movement practice?

A: I love pilates and hiking. Recently, I’ve been craving more of a challenge and have been enjoying Lagree, which involves some weight training. I incorporate authentic/feminine movement when I get the opportunity!

Q: Do you have a dream floating in your orbit that’s not yet realized?

A: I have a dream of taking my work to the next level in entering motherhood myself, alongside my circle of women and building our “village.”

Q: How does THE FULLEST align with you and fit into your life?

A: I feel so aligned with THE FULLEST. I have been a listener for about 4 years and instantly connected with Nikki when we met recently. I deeply appreciate your integrity, curiosity, and mission to pursue wellness for us as humans and for our earth, without compromise.Dana Penenberg is a holistic birth coach and radical birthkeeper to both mother and baby. She helps women and their partners heal their own birth imprints so they can step confidently into an empowered birth experience, highly attuned to themselves and their babies. She offers support through fertility preparation, conscious conception and birth, addressing the levels of the nervous system, tissues, and subconscious.




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