Does Chromotherapy Really Work?

Even if you think you haven’t heard of chromotherapy — or color therapy — you’ve probably had some experience of it in your everyday life, especially if you move in wellness circles. Perhaps it’s been an add on at your infrared sauna studio or you’ve turned your phone brightness down to reduce blue light exposure. Color therapy is even used subtly in stores, doctors offices, and more to impact mood. To give you the science behind the healing, we’ve broken down the full spectrum of uses and benefits of color therapy.

So, What Is Chromotherapy?

Chromotherapy is a wellness practice with a myriad of health benefits.

Chromotherapy, also known as color or light therapy, is a technique that aims to balance out parts of the body using color, which results in the body achieving a state of harmony.

It can be practiced on its own in different ways, or incorporated into other treatments — such as the aforementioned infrared saunas. Although modern wellness has taken it up with vigor, chromotherapy is in fact a centuries old wellness practice that has been used successfully across many cultures with records indicating that it was practiced in ancient Egypt, China, India, and Greece.

Who Is Chromotherapy For?

Chromotherapy can benefit anyone and everyone as it is in direct harmony with nature and the natural world. As you can imagine color and light are pretty harmless, and there are no major risk factors involved in chromotherapy making it viable for people of all ages and backgrounds.

What Are the Benefits of Chromotherapy?

This form of healing has both physical and emotional benefits. Wherever the color lands on the spectrum is associated with a specific vibrational energy and wavelength. These specific wavelengths offer differing benefits for the body ranging from improved mood and sleep, to detoxification, and reduced swelling.

Which Colors Do What?

If you’re looking for a more specific breakdown of colors and their associated benefits, check out our topline overview.

  • Red: Energizes, relieves fatigue, it has also been said to reduce pain and inflammation in the joints and muscles.
  • Orange: Uplift the spirits and promotes focus, concentration, and digestion.
  • Yellow: Purify your mind, boost your mood, and gain clarity.
  • Green: Opens your heart, fosters compassion, and relaxes your nervous system.
  • Blue: Ironically, if you’re feeling blue — blue light is a good salve as it helps with depression and improves expression and communication.
  • Purple: Increases a sense of connection and inner peace.

Can Chromotherapy Help With Aging?

You may have noticed non-invasive LED treatments have become popular in the beauty world. Light therapy can be used to help reduce wrinkles and age spots, as well as improve the appearance of skin. Light therapy can stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, improving skin quality, texture, and appearance.

What About Seasonal Affective Disorder?

Yes, light therapy can also be used seasonally for mood boosting purposes. Seasonal affective disorder, a type of depression that happens during the fall or the winter, can be treated with a special type of light called a “happy light,” that boosts mood and can aid with depression.Blue light, while often talked about due to its negative effects on sleep, can actually be beneficial during the day and can improve alertness, attention, reaction time, and general overall mood.Overall, this is one wellness practice that is extremely easy to incorporate into your routine. If you can’t make it into a sauna, try playing with chakra color visualization, or wearing a certain color to enhance a desired emotion.Ali Parsons graduated from The University of Washington with a degree in Media & Communications. She is passionate about nutrition, health, and wellness and is currently in the process of becoming a Registered Dietitian. Ali enjoys cooking, running, yoga, hiking and travel!


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