Healthy Eating Hacks for the Holiday Season

The holiday season is upon us once again, which is merry and jolly for many, but for some comes feelings of dread… and inevitable weight gain. Why do we so often feel the need to overindulge to have a proper holiday season? During the holidays we tend to eat more and exercise less. We tend to indulge in foods we wouldn’t normally eat -- foods that are richer and more calorie-laden. Here are some of our favorite tips to staying fit this holiday season…

Moderation and the 80/20 rule --

While it’s hard to say no to eggnog or pumpkin pie, it’s equally as important to realize you don’t always have to. You can eat these things in moderation. Saying no to everything will only set you up for a binge later on. Make room for holiday treats, but also fill up on the crudite platters and other fresh, healthy food. The 80/20 rule states that if you eat well 80 percent of the time, you can do whatever you want for the other 20 percent. Now, that doesn’t mean you get to go hog wild, but it does allow you to ‘cheat’ or eat foods that aren’t on your normal food plan. It helps you eat more intuitively, and shows your body that you’re listening to and respecting it.

Limit alcohol consumption --

Take note on how much alcohol you consume. Alcohol is high in calories, light on nutrition, and turns to pure sugar in the body. It’s actually better to indulge on extra sugary holiday treats than imbibing on too much booze! If you can withstand completely, your waistline will thank you!

Make time for exercise --

While we’re scampering around buying last minute gifts and attending parties, little time is allotted for exercise. However, exercise is a great stress reliever and releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins (which we could all use a little more of during the holidays)! You only need to exercise for 30 minutes a day to see improvements, and it can even be done in 10 minute increments… which is a life hack that can serve you well past the holidays and into the new year. Deanna Goodson is a life coach and writer who specializes in dealing with bariatric patients and emotional overeaters. Deanna has worked hard to overcome her own issues with emotional overeating. You can visit her at


Seven Tips to Have an Actual Happy Holiday


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