Natural Fertility with Marc Sklar

Today Marc Sklar aka The Fertility Expert joins us for an in depth and insightful discussion. As a natural fertility specialist he has seen firsthand the impact that lifestyle and functional medicine approaches can have on a woman's journey to motherhood — especially if you are supported and empowered.In addition to his Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Marc trained at the Harvard Medical School, Mind/Body Medical Institute. He is the co-author of Secret to Conception and a Fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine and Medical Advisor for Natural Health International.If you or someone you know is ready to start a family, The Fertility Expert can help and this episode is definitely worth a listen and/or a share.Topics we cover:
  • Marc’s path to becoming a fertility specialist
  • Moving from a pre-med degree to becoming sick before arriving in his acupuncture and functional medicine career
  • Shared burden between doctors and patients to figure out root causes
  • Our conditioning to think that fertility issues relate to reproductive system only rather than other aspects of health
  • 70-80% of people doing IVF are doing it prematurely because they’re sent before deeper investigation
  • IVF has a time and place and there’s nothing wrong with it but it’s expensive and can be challenging
  • Lack of research around Covid, vaccines, and fertility
  • The importance of choosing organic when it comes to food, alcohol, and CBD
  • Marc’s thoughts on pelvic steaming
  • Removing fear from sex education and better education around birth control
  • Believing in your body’s ability to have children

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