THE FULLEST Scopes: The Depths of Kinship

The destabilization of September’s arresting atmosphere gives way to a new season and clearer direction in October, culminating in the New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 25th, a penetrating lunation ripe with potential.We’ve been retracing old steps with six planets (Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) in retrograde. That begins to shift this month, beginning on the 2nd, when Mercury stations Direct and our communications and thoughts streamline, followed by Pluto on the 8th and Saturn on the 22nd, leading us to refined perspectives.

This month brings our relationship dynamics into focus, how and where we project, the value inherent in compromise, and the art of negotiation.

The theme is: KINSHIP

What does it mean to be of kin? What is the basis of our most meaningful relationships? What is at the root of the connection?Life is unpredictable. We cannot foresee how it will unfold, though we try our best to control outcomes of every sort. The human desire for certainty is mighty. These last few years, though, have thrown a dagger or two. We’ve taken inventory of our dynamics and thought long and hard about who matters most and why. Perhaps, we’ve reconnected with old ties, during these retrogrades. Or reevaluated them. As we move through Libra season and then drop into Scorpio season, we’re reminded of the webs we’ve woven ourselves into. Some by choice, others by chance. Are our relations fated, a projection of our subconscious yearnings and needs? Perhaps. But it’s how we navigate them in the here and now, how we weather their trials and tribulations and revel in their treasures that give context and meaning to our journeys.We have two very potent moons this month, both ruled by Mars, the God of War. We ask ourselves, who or what is worth fighting for? Where do we draw our motivation? How do our kin figure into the equation?

Full Moon in Aries on October 9th

This moon will ignite our creative and feisty spirit. There’s a feeling of initiation here, a bursting out. Whatever has been percolating underneath rises to the surface. We may find ourselves in a war of words, with conversations getting heated. We’re finding our voices in new and dynamic ways. So are those around us. Can we hear one another out, without jumping to conclusions? Words are wands. But truth is layered. It hits differently in the body. Our need to release is not the landing. That comes later. What feels like chaos is, in reality, a form of reorganization.

Solar New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th

There’s real meat here. Emotions are complex; still waters run deep. Our entanglements draw us inward, as we investigate our lives, mining meaning from our emotional, psychological and financial resources. The energy is rich in alchemy. There’s a new beginning, a sense of inner resolve and strength that will reveal itself more readily in six months time, with the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th, 2023. The superficial will not suffice here. We need more. Much more. And we’re willing to plumb the depths to find it.

October Cosmic Rx

As Mars and Scorpio do their dance on a potent Solar Eclipse, the energies of fire and water come together. The act of pelvic steaming also unites these elements and unearths our intuitive aspects as well as grounding us into our own bodies. Creating a steaming practice in line with the moon cycle is a powerful tool that can help you reach more of your own depths and insights. Shop Womb Protector™ for a herbal blend that heals and clarifies or double-down on our Ritual Bundle™ for a more ceremonial self-care practice.Danielle Beinstein is a psychological and intuitive astrologer based in Nashville. She currently offers one-on-one sessions as well as her monthly online membership and courses program, The Cosmic Compass. You can find more on both offerings at and for more regular astrological musings, make sure to follow her on Instagram.


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