In My Orbit with Angela Sinnett of Magnolia Wellness

In My Orbit is our monthly feature that gives us a peek into the lives of some of our favorite wellness-ey people. At any given point, each of us has a bunch of people, places, and practices that are circling us and influencing our lives in a variety of ways. This month’s guest is Angela Sinnett, the founder of Magnolia Wellness, an award-winning wellness center in Orange County. She is also a nationally board certified and licensed California acupuncturist, clinical herbalist, and nutrition specialist. Angela has spent almost two decades as an energetic healer.

Having always been passionate about the healing arts and making the journey fun, Angela cultivates her treatments with love and understanding, illuminating the beautiful place where the depths of the soul meet the physical body.

It’s why you’ll find her list is a mixed bag of laughter, pleasure, taking care of the body, and the esoteric. Check it out below!

Q: This is obviously a moving target — but what’s your current wellness philosophy?

A: My wellness philosophy is spiritually driven. We all have love, the ultimate lightness of being, and true source energy within us. My main focus is to create physical and emotional stability in order to connect to the source within, the deep well of infinite possibility. To attain a spiritual connection, I uphold four individual pillars in my life that are absolutely non-negotiable for my overall wellness.

  • Time in nature: preferably amongst the trees
  • Movement: even two minutes of dancing in the kitchen
  • Meditation: including lucid dreaming and intentional alone time
  • Nutrition: gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free, and alcohol-free is when I’m holding my highest vibration.

Q: Which foods are currently taking prime position in your kitchen pantry?

Hu Cashew Butter and Orange Vanilla Dark Chocolate, goji berries, jujubes, seaweed, and walnuts.

Q: What’s your works-every-single-time mood booster?

Sex and the Calm Elixir by Soulshine.

Q: The last thing you Googled?

A Rumi quote: “Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.”

Q: Who — or what — can you count on to make you laugh?

My husband, he’s annoyingly hilarious. The guy will walk around the house singing the same song on repeat all day.

Q: Is there a practice, item, or piece of wisdom you’ve kept from childhood that still holds meaning for you today?

My grandmother always told me to look someone in the eyes and smile. When I moved to Southern California, one of the first things I noticed was how few people smiled when they looked at you. These days, especially under masks, I notice the smiles less and less. I continue to embody the practice and spread the love whenever and wherever possible.

Q: When do you feel most beautiful?

Cuddled up in my bed with my kiddos.

Q: Are there any healers or teachers you have on speed dial?

Natalie Gianelli for channeling and Mikio Sankey for esoteric acupuncture, Heather Martin for homeopathy and Reiki, Susan Queen for angel intuitive healing and energy work, Donna Cespon Benedict for body therapy, Luka Barba-Johnson for cranial sacral energy work, Amber Lynch for massage, Jenna Bradshaw for lymphatic drainage, Josette D'Agnenica for facials, and Andrea Fagenholz for guided imagery and hypnotherapy.

Q: What’s your preferred movement practice?

I love to snow ski; combining exercise in nature with forest bathing is pretty magical.

Q:Do you have a dream floating in your orbit that’s not yet realized?

To write a book.

Q: How does THE FULLEST align with you and fit into your life?

THE FULLEST always brings cutting edge wellness to the forefront and I am constantly inspired by the progressive education, resources, and product recommendations on the platform.Angela Sinnett is the founder of Magnolia Wellness, an award-winning wellness center in Orange County, CA. She is a nationally board certified and licensed California acupuncturist, clinical herbalist, and nutrition specialist. Angela has spent almost two decades as an energetic healer. Having always been passionate about the healing arts and making the journey fun, Angela cultivates her treatments with love and understanding, illuminating the beautiful place where the depths of the soul meet the physical body. When she is not doing cartwheels with her three daughters, Angela loves seeking the true wonderment of life.


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