Creating Your Intentional Space with Dara Dubinet

If you’ve met Dara Dubinet before (or heard her on our pod), then you’re aware that her presence immediately lights up a room. However, Dara also has the ability to make a room more meaningful, functional, and beautiful with her unique gifts and talents as both a feng shui practitioner and intuitive. Luckily for us, we were able to sit down with Dara and get her recipe for making our homes more intentional.

Q. What does creating an intentional space mean to you?

An intentional space is one that is designed not according to the norm, trends, or how a space “should” be set up. It is one in which the inhabitants and their needs are considered. For example, I did a feng shui session for a young woman who wanted to do pottery. She lived in a one bedroom apartment and it was set up traditionally; sofa, coffee table, TV, with a dining room table against a wall. Immediately, I asked her what was more important. Be the lady who watched TV in the evenings or the woman who was creating pottery? She said creating. So, I suggested she move her dining table to the middle of the room and put her art supply carts within reach of her working space. However, I also reminded her that it doesn’t have to be permanent. It could kick start her pottery business and then who knows what can happen? A bigger apartment or an art studio out of the house. Checking in with her, she let me know that she is currently so happy creating beautiful pottery and sends me photo updates.

When it comes to space, the questions to alway ask are “who do I want to be and is my home supporting my current desires?”

To me, an intentional space only holds the things that are important, meaningful, useful, and/or beautiful.

What tools and practices have you used in your space to bring your values and intentions to life?

I am constantly changing, and the things that are important at any moment are always shifting. Sometimes I’m in the mood to be home prepping food and feeding others. Sometimes I prefer freedom from that. When I want freedom, I put away the food processor, juicer, even the toaster.

What are some of your most treasured rooms and areas in your home? Why?

My bedroom makes me sooo happy. It was a dark red. At the time, I was experiencing sadness after my mother passed. Repainting the room a blush pink shifted the energy. I used lime wash which is non-toxic and gives the most beautiful soft, textured finish. Now, when I enter my room I feel as if I am enveloped in rose quartz.I also love my living room as well. Its abundance of Moroccan rugs and poufs. Low to the floor sofas make it so cozy and inviting for friends to gather and talk. Removing the giant TV was a great decision and made conversation the focus. There are also two Biomats in this room and lying down on one of these mats after driving or being out in the city instantly soothes the nervous system.

Are there any significant items and pieces in your spaces that hold particular meaning or fondness?

Some beautiful items from my mother and a crystal-rimmed abalone dish with a cupid on it. Also a collection of miniatures that my daughter and I made and collected. The latest was from her trip to Mexico, she brought me a tiny mariachi band made of straw. They make me smile. And I love my tonic ingredients in the kitchen. I am constantly creating and intuiting tonic blends for myself and friends. Creamy, hot nurturing drinks uplift the soul.

Do you think our external environments affect our inner world?

Our external environments affect our inner world. Just think if you can’t find a sock or the shirt you wanted to wear, you experience a sense of frustration. Starting the day like that and then entering into the world with that energy will affect our relationships. Generally speaking, the way we live will always affect the relationship we have with ourselves and others in some capacity. One of my favorite mantras is “as within so without." We affect our homes and vice versa. We want to step out into the world (and on Zoom) knowing that we could bring someone home and feel proud. We should treat ourselves the way we would like to be treated. The way we would treat a guest. A great practice is to pretend someone is coming over or actually invite others over.

Our homes need to be a place of respite, peace, and sanctuary. So, that we can be those things for ourselves and others.

Personally, I can tell so much about a person by how they keep their home. What they choose to live with and even the structure. There are always ways to aesthetically and energetically improve a space, and that brings me joy.

What has been one change that you’ve made in your home or workspace that has impacted your physical, mental, or spiritual health?

No TV. I don’t like the energy of it — even if it is turned off.

What is the one piece of advice you’d give someone looking to love on their home?

Fix one area. Clean out clutter and make it pretty. It will motivate you to keep going. Consider that decluttering a luxury and privilege. How? It takes time and energy, it’s a blessing to have those. Consider that letting go of things that no longer serve you, will make room for the things that do. Add in only what you love. Remember things speak to you whether you are listening or not. Pay attention :)DARA is a life direction specialist, intuitive, a maverick of sorts, blazing a trail globally for vibrancy, health and happiness. She inspires others to get to their next level of greatness by making choices that lead to a life that is CLEAN, CLEAR & BRIGHT. Dara’s intuitive gifts enable her to be aligned and further guide others around the world through her courses, e-books, hit YouTube channel, and webinars. Tonics, feng shui, decluttering, astrogeography, the north nodes are just some of the tools in her magic life toolbox.


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