Paleo-Friendly Tuna Salad

Growing up I never enjoyed eating meat, poultry or fish. Naturally, I gravitated towards a plant-based diet but when I started my first job, my dad would come visit me and bring me tuna sandwiches! It always surprised me how much I enjoyed eating them and inspired me to learn to make my own. This is a version I picked up over the years and is now the only way I can eat a tuna salad! I recently shared it with my son’s class and they now make it weekly for lunch!Since our household is back on a tuna kick, I figured I’d share our go-to recipe with everyone. Eat it plain or on a slice of organic, wild-fermented sourdough bread. For those that like to keep things bread-less, this recipe also tastes great with crackers (Organic Jovial Einkorn Crackers is our brand of choice). One of our team members says it also tastes great spread over sliced apples! Feel free to make it exactly to the recipe or get creative — you can’t go wrong with wild, line caught tuna.


  • 3 containers of wild, pole, or line caught tuna (American Tuna is our brand of choice)
  • 7 organic baby dill pickles, diced 
  • 1 organic green onion, diced
  • 2 tablespoons Primal Kitchen Avocado Oil Mayo
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1 whole avocado
  • 1/4 cup organic chopped walnuts
  • 1 small organic Fuji apple, diced


Mix everything up in a bowl and serve on slightly toasted sourdough bread.Nikki Bostwick is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of THE FULLEST and host of THE FULLEST Podcast. She has always been passionate about providing wellness content that offers a perspective outside the mainstream narrative — one that is holistic, diverse and inclusive. Since launching, Nikki has grown THE FULLEST to include a daily digital platform, a weekly podcast, a botanical product line, and a wholesale business alongside her amazing team. She is also a mom of two, nestled in Newport Beach with her high school sweetheart and their Siberian Husky.


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