Creating Your Intentional Space with Meredith Baird Figone

In this month’s Creating Your Intentional Space, we chat with Meredith Baird Figone, founder, maker, mother and creator of Nucifera Body. Meredith has always been an advocate of clean beauty and living, and seamlessly manages to blend the practical, the simple, and the nourishing into all her endeavors — including her home. Her insights on interior order as a facilitator for a less frenetic life, striking a balance between sterile and homey, and the influence of social media on our spaces are refreshing takes on the lives we lead indoors.

What does creating an intentional space mean to you?

For me, intentional spaces are actually very small, and something I do daily. It usually looks like the little setup around me where I can work and think creatively. Usually, this is a clean desk, hot water, a notebook, and a good pen. I also have a rug beside my bed that I really love, and I’ve been stretching and doing exercises on it. It's kind of my personal zone stacked with books and a pink rug. Ultimately, I think an intentional space can be anywhere you feel comfortable. The trappings are non-specific.

What tools and practices have you used in your space to bring your values and intentions to life?

Interior order matters a lot for me. I grew up in a house that had a lot going on, and it really turned me into a sort of interior purger. Basically, I can’t work if the bed isn’t made and laundry isn’t folded, so I guess I have this process of tidying up in order to get to the things I need to do. To me, relatively clean closets are also important.Equally, I try to keep our home free of crappy cleaning products, harsh chemicals, and smells. One comment people always make when coming to our house is how good it smells. I like to think it's a combination of a juice bar and one of my cleaning products that uses the essential oils found in my Nucifera line. It does smell good.

Overall, I believe that an orderly space can help people in so many ways, including weight loss and health goals. The hoarder mentality kind of plagues our culture and causes a lot of issues for people. I guess for me it’s cleaner space equals clearer body and mind.

What are some of your most treasured rooms and areas in your home? Why?

Our house isn’t huge and my husband really designed the whole thing, so it’s all our little family zone. Depends on my mood! My bathtub is probably the space I feel most relaxed when awake.

Are there any significant items and pieces in your spaces that hold particular meaning or fondness?

We have a huge painting by the artist William Attaway that my husband and I purchased very early on in our relationship. He’s an old school Venice artist (his studio was located next to Gjusta and has since been demolished). We would see the painting every time we walked down to the beach! Eventually, we bought it and rolled it back to our house on two skateboards. It hangs in the living room and definitely makes a statement.

Do you think our external environments affect our inner world?

Yes absolutely, in so many different ways. I don’t necessarily know if it's a good or a bad thing. In my own experience though, people who maintain a bit more of an orderly home seem to be happier and less frenetic. This of course varies from person to person. I love seeing highly creative people with these really crazy working environments; Apartmento and other magazines that have a more “real” window are really interesting to me. I feel like social media has really sterilized the idea of space.

What has been one change that you’ve made in your home or workspace that has impacted your physical, mental, or spiritual health?

We converted our garage to an office well before quarantine so having that space to work has been crucial! Pretty much covers all of the above.

How do you find creating a space for your family or business different from creating a space solely for yourself?

When I lived alone, I had virtually nothing. One plate, one cup I loved, one set of great silverware, a rug, a desk, some books and a bed. I’m not an extreme minimalist by any means, but I’m also not much of a home goods shopper. My husband is much more of the “we need some good rugs, we need night stands, we need lamps” etc. type of person — it's great! So I guess creating a home with a family is much homier than it would be if I was on my own.

Has your definition of home changed over the course of quarantine?

I’ve been evaluating my relationship with home more in the context of social media — and quarantine sparked that. To be totally honest, when we were going into lockdown I was kind of excited. I know that I am so fortunate to have felt that way, so I really feel terrible saying it, but I’ve always worked from home so that wasn’t new to me. I’m also a Taurus and natural homebody. However, sharing every inch of our home lives on social media isn’t natural to me, but I guess quarantine helped me embrace and share my inner homebody!


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