Why CBD Is the Perfect Gift

Yep, the holidays are pretty much here, and only serve to confirm that (a) 2020 has been one giant timewarp and (b) you have zero idea what to buy for the person in your life that has been through a global pandemic and potentially the most hectic socio-political year of their life — read: everyone.In a year of uncertainty, one gift that we know we’ll be sharing with our nearest and dearest this holiday season is Feals CBD. Normally, gifting your friends and family CBD might feel weird. You might know that CBD has less than 0.3% THC (meaning it won’t get you high), but perhaps there are people in your inner circle that aren’t familiar with its stress-relieving (not stoner-inducing) benefits.That’s why if you do decide to gift CBD, then Feals has to be your brand. In our humble opinion, nobody helps you navigate the best CBD type and dosage for personal use better. As Feals explains on their site, CBD can assist a person in a number of ways from increasing calm and clarity, to relieving aches and pains, and even improving sleep. So, the first question to ask is what does your loved one most need CBD for this year? Has your mom been suffering from a bout of insomnia lately? Did your yoga buddy recently complain of joint tension after last week’s class? Or has your cousin mentioned they’ve been feeling restless and unfocused at work? If you’re still unsure, there’s always the option of the Feals Flight; a sample pack of three doses (40, 80, and 160 mg) of their CBD/MCT oil. It’s kinda perfect if you’re looking to take the stress and guesswork out of the equation. Plus, for the month of December, they're giving you the chance to gift a Flight to a friend with every purchase. Meaning you could give yourself the gift of an anxiety-free holiday, and also score a free sample pack for a friend (we won’t tell).

Once you’ve nailed down the reason for CBD, the next major consideration point is dose. Feals advocates for a baby steps method. If you’ve ever taken a little too much of anything, be it hemp or a third piece of Christmas pudding, you also understand the merit in taking it slow and steady.

Feals demystifies the use of CBD with clear dosing guides and have even gone so far as to provide a handy cheat sheet — but they’re the first to say that the guide is simply a starting off point. Instead, they advise the person using CBD to listen to their body, adding or subtracting until they feel the intended effect, as CBD affects everyone differently.If there’s still some apprehension or confusion, there is always the option to dial up Feals’ “CBD Hotline” — yes, that’s a real service — and speak to one of their lovely and wise support team members.Now, let’s talk about quality because there’s no point giving the gift of calm if it comes packed with nasty toxins. All Feals products are triple-tested and made up of two all-natural ingredients: full-spectrum hemp extract and organic MCT oil. If you’re also a fan of a solid testimonial before committing to a purchase, check out their stories page; there are some crazy good reviews from people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds sharing tales of relief and inner calm.This year more than any other, may be the holiday season we spend geographically apart. Thankfully with the advent of online shopping and delivery, we are still able to experience the magic of giving and receiving. For this reason, Feals is offering free shipping on all orders and to all 50 states for this holiday season. Oh, and for that one person that is the eternal gift returner, Feals is also offering a 30-day money-back guarantee, just in case.Honestly, Feals has had our backs all through this wild year, and we’re so looking forward to sharing the love with our fam and friends come the holidays. If you’ve also got a certain someone in mind that you think could benefit from a new self-care practice, or a little TLC in the form of CBD, then Feals is the brand for you this holiday season.Take advantage of 50% off your first-month subscription with the code THEFULLEST at checkout.


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