Well Examined: Caroline Rasmussen

After graduating from Harvard, Caroline Rasmussen naturally fell into a high-powered law job and all of the unhealthy trimmings that come along with operating at full speed under great stress. But when her father was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s, it was the wakeup call Caroline needed to make some changes in her own health. Virtually overnight, the businesswoman went from Wall Street warrior to wellness warrior. She quit her job, moved to Thailand, and dove headfirst into learning about brain healing, consciousness therapies, and herbalism. Her healing journey resulted in the creation of her company Antara Life (named after the stunning Pali-Sanskrit word antara that means within). Antara formulations are created under the guidance of experts in both western and eastern herbalism and focus on clinical efficacy and bioavailability to nourish the modern mind. Hear more of Caroline’s story here! Listen on iTunes or Spotify.[soundcloud id='696589951' height='false']


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