ARgENTUM Apothecary: Moisturizer that Harnesses the Power of Silver

A mother’s home remedy for curing sickness or treating wounds is usually a long-standing tradition passed down with each generation. While growing up in South Africa, Joy Isaacs’ mother’s go-to treatment for her daughter’s cuts, burns, or infections wasn’t Neosporin or other expected pharmaceutical ointments, but rather colloidal silver spray. Decades later, while recovering from major surgery, Isaacs was once again met with the miraculous restoring power her mother used to swear by. She knew it was time to share the same silver-infused healing opportunity with others. History repeats itself in several instances leading up to the creation of ARgENTUM Apothecary. As founder and CEO, Isaacs not only has the first-hand experience, but also historical records to back up the power of this shining chrome metal. Silver has stood the test of time; dating back to being used to keep the Romans’ milk fresh, as a space ships water tank liner, to prevent bacteria in water purification systems, and today, in Isaacs’ skincare line that aims to treat the skin and the soul. “It’s amazing how a random part of your life can end up playing such a huge role,” Isaacs says. “That is what is so magical about life. We never know what’s around the corner and every moment can have a bit of magic in it, something that can be used.” Based in Europe with a reach in Russia, Australia, Singapore, Canada, and more, there is no denying ARgENTUM's global impact. Sometimes requiring up to four years of tests before a release, their patented formula aims to hydrate and restore skin through its multi-functional products. “I was not from a beauty background and there was a naivety that I brought to this business,” Isaacs admits of first starting out. “I think that actually helped me because I didn’t realize what I would be up against in being a brand -- a luxury product -- one that’s up against the likes of La Mer. I think if I was conscious of what it would take, I might have shied away or backed off.” Although she wasn’t a skincare pro when she started, Isaacs’, who works alongside her scientific adviser, Dr. Gilbert Mouzin, and Sam Gray, her fiancee and the creative behind the brands visualized philosophy, is now pioneering the blend of skincare and science. The result of pushing boundaries with silver is refined skin, fewer wrinkles, and envious skin texture. While any founder is thrilled to deliver change, Isaacs’ passion to heal goes well beyond the surface; and in this case, it’s in plain sight.

“The vision for me is to deliver something that’s whole,” Isaacs says. “It’s like a 360 degree physical and spiritual experience. It’s not just about getting skin deep.”

Portrayed in the sleek, all-black, and straight-forward packaging is ARgENTUM’s just as simple philosophy: beauty and balance. As a unisex product, Isaacs’ invites customers to nurture their outer and inner beauty by taking part in exploring their subconscious through their archetypes. With each purchase of la potion infinie, one of 12 archetype cards are packaged with it to encourage drawing out thoughts or feelings that reside in oneself through imagery and symbolism. ARgENTUM’s infusion of beauty, science, and art offer customers of any gender and age the chance to partake in a skincare and soul-searching journey while experiencing the efficiency of silver. “I didn't want to just give this product to someone because the science is fabulous, I wanted to connect deeper because I don’t believe beauty is just about healthy skin,” Isaacs explains. “It’s about delivering something that has covered all of these angles, but also with science and poetry. It’s become the philosophy of the brand to connect inside out. It’s not just skin... but deeper.”Kaitlynn Labit is a freelance writer and editor based in Orange County who has slowly but surely developed a skincare regime that coincidentally seems to drain her bank account.


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