Cancer, Casually: Dr. Kristi Funk

On Cancer, Casually we chat a lot about life with cancer. But today, we’re switching lanes and diving deep into the topic of cancer risk reduction. Although we’re yet to find a “cure,” we have made leaps and bounds in prevention research since our parents’ generation. We now have access to a variety of lifestyle choices, nutrition information, and genetic screening options that can help lessen our chance of ever getting cancer in the first place. This week, breast cancer surgeon Dr. Kristi Funk joins the show to guide us through some of these options. Not only has Dr. Funk treated thousands of women (including Angelina Jolie and Sheryl Crow), she is the founder of the Pink Lotus Breast Center in Beverly Hills, the author of The Owner's Manual: Every Woman's Guide to Reducing Cancer Risk, and a frequent breast expert on The Doctors and Good Morning America. In this ep, we’ll also explore uncontrollable risk factors and outline the medical choices you have available if you are at an elevated risk, newly diagnosed, living with, or are navigating life after breast cancer. It’s like the consultation with your doctor you’ve always wanted… without a time constraint!Join Kristi as she shares some truly lifesaving information.Listen on iTunes.[soundcloud id='522959625' height='false']


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