Cancer, Casually: Lauren Chiarello

Lauren Chiarello is not your average fitspo influencer. Oh no, this woman is a living, breathing inspiration that has kicked cancer’s butt not once, but twice (and in her 20’s no less). After being diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at the age of 23, Lauren, who had always been an athlete, chose not to pack away her shoes and succumb to a sedentary lifestyle. Rather, she chose to double down on her passion for fitness and turn it into a meditative and empowering part of her healing process. And when cancer stuck again, she did the same... only this time it was in the form of marathons. In a full circle moment, Lauren now helps other cancer patients harness fitness as part of their treatment. She reframes perceptions that their bodies are failing them and instead urges them to view their bodies as a source of immense grace, power, and strength. It’s a gift that many survivors are endlessly grateful for -- a lesson we can all take into our own lives. Lauren isn’t just crushing it in the barre studio, she’s also the founder of Chi Chi Life and is a cancer activism guru, investing what’s left of her boundless energy into crushing fundraising goals for good causes. An inspiration to everyone she comes into contact with, Lauren reminds us all that no matter the obstacles, we can all shoot higher, work harder, and laugh louder as we go after our own dreams.Listen on iTunes.[soundcloud id='502310454' height='false']


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