Alma at The Standard’s Crushed Cabbage Salad

Move out the way b* cause this cabbage salad ‘bout to take over… and we’re not talking about the retirement community salad bar. The Standard, probably the chicest thing since Rihanna carried that Motorola Razor and juice-box combo circa 2015, is a boutique mid-century LA oasis. Not only are their lush suites the talk of the town, but Alma at The Standard, it’s newly acquired restaurant run by two-time James Beard Rising Star finalist Ari Taymor, has got everyone in LA flocking to the hotel just to eat. Ari was kind enough to come down from the heavens to resurrect the undervalued magic that is cabbage and share this recipe with you (yeah, you should feel blessed). It not only satisfies the senses (a perfect midnight snack, BTW), but it’s also mostly comprised of ingredients you probably already have in your pantry.  


⅓ cup Almonds2 heads Cabbage, medium-sized3 Lemons1 Grapefruit1 Avocado¼ cup Tahini2 cloves Roasted Garlic¼ cup Toasted Sesame SeedsSaltALMOND VINAIGRETTE:Simmer the almonds in ¾ cups of water until they are tender, straining afterwards. In a food processor, add the almonds, tahini, garlic, juice of two lemons and salt. Add the almond cooking water as needed to make a smooth vinaigrette.CABBAGE:Quarter the cabbage and discard any tough outer leaves. Tear the tender parts into small bite size pieces and reserve.GRAPEFRUIT:Peel and supreme the grapefruit and reserve.AVOCADO:Peel the avocado and crush it with a fork. Add lemon juice and salt, to taste.


1 | Use 4 plates or one large serving platter. Lay down an even amount of the smashed avocado.  2 | In a bowl, dress the cabbage with the almond vinaigrette, adding extra lemon juice as needed.  3 | Place the dressed cabbage on top of the avocado mash.4 | Place pieces of the grapefruit evenly throughout the salad. 5 | Top with toasted sesame seeds. *Serves 4.**Photos by Andrew Noel, Tegan Butler and Spencer Lowell.


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