Elissa Goodman

Elissa Goodman wants the world to know that the rumors are true: we are what we eat.

After being diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma at age 32, Elissa was ready for a major lifestyle change. She realized life wasn’t about being “successful” and working long hours in a stressful job while not actually taking care of oneself.

To treat her cancer Elissa's doctors recommended chemo and radiation, but she soon realized these treatments were only making her feel worse physically and mentally. She knew she needed something else. Her body needed proper nourishment — so she shortened her medical treatments and began treating her body the way she felt was right: by juicing and eating a plant-based diet.

It worked. She was soon cancer free and went on to have two beautiful daughters with her husband Marc.

Years later, however, the disease struck the family again when Marc was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. He chose to go the traditional medical route, but as his immune system weakened he fell ill to an infection and lost his battle at the young age of 45.

Through this second run-in with cancer, Elissa was now convinced more than ever that food could be the solution.

She went back to school and became a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and now has become one of LA’s most respected Lifestyle Cleanse Experts.

Her cleanses aim to renew, recharge and rejuvenate her clients. The popular S.O.U.P. (Superfoods. Organic. Uniquely Designed. Prepared with Love) Cleanse comes in mason jars and is delivered straight to your door. It’s filled with three or five days of delicious (yes, actually delicious) tonics and soups that will leave you feeling better than ever.

We are inspired by Elissa’s perseverance through life’s trials and have become huge fans of her healthy foods. So much so that we knew we’d benefit in knowing the seven things inspiring her. We were right. And here they are…

1 | Body Vibes stickers -- I attribute a ton of my personal growth to learning how to manage myself energetically. I’ve worked with an energy healer for years and energy work has been an integral part of my self-healing regimen. Lately, I’ve been obsessed with Body Vibes which use bio-frequency programed stickers to offset anxiety, improve mood, or even help detoxification. They’re kind of like my little energy bandaids! If I feel like I need a boost in a certain area, I simply stick one on. They’re super fun and have been a game changer in my daily energy maintenance.2 | Skin Worship products -- These simple, all natural skin care products are an essential part of my self-care routine. It’s all about stripping away the bad and letting your skin breathe and glow like it’s designed to. Using them turns my morning and night-time routines into mini-spa sessions. It’s indulgence and nourishment for the skin -- the best of both worlds! 3 | Fermented foods -- I love how fermentation has the ability to completely transform a food. You take something and enhance it, simply using a little bit of time and patience. For example, by fermenting soy into tempe you eliminate the harmful estrogen-like effects, plus it’s so much tastier than tofu! Another favorite is coconut yogurt kefir which transforms naturally occurring sugars into beneficial probiotics. I just think the whole idea of fermentation is so cool! 4 | My S.O.U.P. Cleanse -- I love what I do more and more everyday. I have the honor of nourishing eighty people per month through my S.O.U.P. cleanse program. It’s so rewarding to see the difference clean, nourishing, high vibrational food can make in people’s lives. I really put my heart into it and to see it benefiting others is so rewarding!5 | The Medical Medium -- What I love about his method is that it empowers people to own their healing process. It will connect you to the root of your disease and will then illuminate the path to becoming well again. I was able to get off thyroid medication through applying these principles. 6 | Inner peace tonic -- I’ve been in serious go mode lately. I wouldn’t be able to stay centered without my homemade inner peace tonic. To make, brew a cup of gynostemma tea and set aside to cool for 2 minutes. Next, add ¼ cup fresh almond milk, 1 tablespoon of cold-pressed coconut oil, ½ teaspoon of ghee, 3 pitted dates, ½ teaspoon of pearl powder, 2 teaspoons of reishi powder, 1 teaspoon of cacao, and ⅛ teaspoon of cinnamon to the blender, and mix until warm and frothy. Pour and drink slowly. Now enjoy your nice cup of inner peace!7 | Cultivating connection -- For me, connection is the driving force behind everything I do. For one of my latest projects I’ve been filming and interviewing people who are making a difference in the healing world. Talking to people about their healing journey, and what they’re doing for others has been so inspiring. Not only has it allowed me to connect with these amazing people, it’s also giving me the opportunity to connect other people with their story.


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