An Immune Boosting Broth Recipe with Healing Powers

One Friday afternoon I was feeling particularly unenergized and uninspired. Any culinary efforts seemed a million miles away and I needed something warm and grounding. Luckily, I had to look no further than the properly stocked fridge. I always surprise myself with how a little can make a lot.To most eyes my refrigerator would usually appear empty. A jar of mustard, sauerkraut, coconut oil, some nuts/seeds/dried beans and a head of kale is about all you’ll find at any given moment-- but you just have to know what to look for. The bare bones refrigerator can be deceiving, but with a jar of miso, dried sprouted mung beans and some seaweed on hand I had my answer. With these three ingredients you can easily make the most delicious and perfectly grounding soup.Mung beans are one of the most digestible alkalizing proteins-- and if you purchase the sprouted version, they cook in just five minutes! Miso (soy free) is one of our greatest ferments and qualifies as a complete protein because it contains all essential amino acids. Nori and wakame are my favorite types of seaweed because they are high in mineral content-- especially iodine, calcium, iron and magnesium. The health benefits of this combo truly are powerful and magical.Consider this recipe as a base for creativity and use whatever vegetables you have on hand. Ginger, turmeric and other spices also pair well with it, and are guaranteed to better your mood and give that much-needed energy boost! Enjoy!| INGREDIENTS |4 cups Vegetable Stock, Bone Broth of your choice, or Water1 cup Sprouted Mung Beans, dried2 tablespoons Chickpea Miso, soy free¼ cup Wakame, dried1 Head of Kale, roughly torn into pieces1 tablespoon Freshly Grated Ginger (optional)Pinch of Sea Salt| ASSEMBLY |1 | Boil water. 2 | Add beans and cook for approximately 5 minutes or until they are slightly al dente. 3 | Turn temperature down and whisk in miso. (Once you add miso you do not want to boil.) 4 | Stir in wakame, kale, ginger and sea salt. 5 | Allow to simmer for 5 to 10 minutes.*Serves 2-4.


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