Adaptogenic Chai Latte

Ashwagandha might be our champion adaptogen. It is classified as a Rasayana, a rejuvenating or life extending agent. Ashwagandha is highly prized in Ayurvedic medicine and is great for both men and women to use for virtually all ailments. It is used to increase vitality, relieve stress and boost brain and cognitive function. Ashwagandha is, however, probably the least palatable herb, but with a simple recipe, can be made into a sweet (and uber-healthy treat). It works best brewed as a tea with added honey and sweetener, or in a tonic like the one below. | INGREDIENTS |2 cups Boiling Water 1 teaspoon Ashwagandha Root Powder ¼ teaspoon Cinnamon 6 Cardamom Pods ⅛ teaspoon Black Peppercorn⅛ teaspoon Ginger Root Powder | ASSEMBLY |1 | Brew all of the above ingredients in 2 cups of water for 10 minutes. 2 | Strain. 3 | Stir in 2 cups of nut milk and 1 to 2 tablespoons of honey.  Enjoy!  *Serves 2-4.


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