A Miracle in Every Waking Moment

In his 1947 book, Miracles, C.S. Lewis makes the case for the reality of miracles by suggesting that a supernatural world may exist through a discussion of natural and supernatural theories on nature. A more recent, critically acclaimed modern treatment was expressed by author Eric Metaxis, Miracles: What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can Change Your Life. In his work, Metaxis presents what modern people need-- a more tangible discussion on miracles. He asks why we believe in miracles, what exactly they do for us, and why people don’t always report when experiencing one. We at Poppy + Seed think there is no better time to open ourselves up to these questions than during the holidays.The holidays seem to represent a pendulum of peace and love, but also stress and materialism. We’re either rejoicing this time of year or we loathe the very idea of holiday cheer. What attunes each of us to the direction we swing? Do we tend to see miracles this time of year because of our religious associations and our individual upbringings, or is it because the pendulum that is collective consciousness swings toward love, gratitude and being good to one another? For those of us who wonder why we don’t see miracles, is our faith in collective humanity in despair? We are in the season of giving, sharing and loving, but we are also logical, curious people. To embrace miracles means changing our perspectives-- stepping outside the limits of logic. Why let that collective high dissipate as the holidays come to a close? Miracles aren’t just for the holidays. We need them everyday. We’re born with love, yet socialized with fear. We compete, get sick, struggle, and allow ourselves to live with guilt. And, as a result, we often limit ourselves. Miracles exist in the everyday but we have to allow ourselves to be vulnerable, flexible, open to surrendering, and fully able to trust in our intuition in order to see them. Are you ready to experience miracles in the everyday? Get into the miracle mindset with this toolkit:Feel the gratitude. Think about how you’d like to experience miracles, and then make a list of what you’re already grateful for. If you are grateful for your wellness, list those aspects of your wellness. Be specific. Keep this list with you for a day or two, adding to it when new appreciations spark.Flow into forgiveness. This next step might be challenging at first because some of us don’t feel we deserve forgiveness. But give it a shot! It can be what’s creating stagnation in your flow or what’s hindering your ability to being open to new information. Write it. Jot down the things that are troubling you, that you’re working through, or that you’re perceiving as a problem. Once it’s down on paper, say out loud, “Please forgive me. I am doing my best to understand what I need or want to change. I am reframing what I perceive as a problem as an opportunity for forgiveness.” Let go and be open to the unknown. Now that you’ve held some space for this reframing, shred or burn what you’ve written and say, “I am ready to receive.” Take mental note or journal what miracles begin to happen in your daily life. Also look for those that are happening around you. Notice how you feel in your body and your connectedness to the world. Adopt a childlike sentience. My four-year-old daughter notices miracles everyday. She asserts, “Mom, it is so amazing that flowers are all in the same family-- the flower family-- but every single flower is so unique! They have different shaped and colored petals, some have spots, some smell and some don’t! Isn’t it amazing they even exist?!” Be open to possibilities. My mother experiences a very challenging health concern. She learns of a drug and emails me info on it. I consider all of my associates in immunology and one in particular stands out among the others. I contact him the next day to ask about the drug. Not only does he know about it, he works in the same lab as the drug’s discoverer and is one of his colleagues!Look for what connects humanity. There are miracles we take for granted-- those complexities of the universe and our abilities to explore it as humans through genetic expression and multicultural evolution. A miracle does not have to be an interference in nature, but rather something beyond that connects us. Rugged individualism is a thing of the past. Miracles exist so we can evolve and transcend. They occur to get our attention. If we can overcome our fears collectively (and globally) perhaps we’d create the opportunity to experience miracles intellectually-- ultimately evolving our minds to learn about and experience things beyond our wildest imaginations. Christine has dedicated her career to helping others understand the science of happiness and its powerful effects on everyday human health by harnessing the power of the epigenetic landscape. She is available for both private and professional consultations. Please contact her here.


April Gargiulo


Kelsey Patel On Holiday Healing