Kundalini Meditation For Infinite Beauty: The 40 Day Mantra Challenge

I wanted to share this meditation with you because of the power than can be cultivated in the simplicity of positive affirmation. The consistency in your vibrancy and happiness. It is said that when a woman practices this meditation for one year, her aura will become tipped with gold or silver, and great strength and God’s healing powers will flow through her. Positive affirmation is an age-old technology. Words increase in power through repetition, and when you are repeating truth, the impact is enormous. Yogi Bhajan gave us this meditation, which is one of the most powerful affirmations a woman can do. The fact is, woman is the Grace of God.Woman is Shakti. The problem is, she doesn’t know it.This meditation is designed to evoke and manifest the inner grace, strength, and radiance of each woman. It helps her to tune in directly with the Adi Shakti, the Primal Power within her own being. It empowers a woman to channel her emotions in a positive direction, strengthen her weaknesses, develop mental clarity and effective communication, and give her the patience to go through the tests of her own karma. It enables her to merge the limited ego into Divine Will, as well as to improve her physical health.By practicing this meditation, a woman’s thoughts, behavior, personality, and projection become aligned with the Infinite beauty and nobility unveiled by the mantra. It balances the five elements. The amazing thing is, this is such an easy meditation to do! You might pass it over because it is so simple and not realize what a profound effect it can have on your life.Practice it faithfully, twice a day for 40 days. It is recommended for women going through menopause to practice it 5 times a day.It’s best to practice on an empty stomach.https://youtu.be/E3zkhBZ0EeYHere we include the directions that you are guided through in the video for reference! Sat Nam.PART ONEPOSTURE: Lie on the back, fully relaxing the face and body. EYE FOCUS: The eyes are closed.MANTRA: I AM GRACE OF GODInhale deeply, hold the breath in while silently repeating the mantra 10 times. Tense the fingers one at a time to keep count. Exhale all the air out, hold it out and repeat the mantra 10 times.Continue this process of repeating the mantra 10 times on each inhale and 10 times on each exhale, for a total of 5 inhalations and 5 exhalations. This totals 100 silent repetitions.PART TWOPOSTURE: Relax your breath, and with eyes still closed, slowly come sitting up into Easy Pose.MUDRA: Bring the right hand into gyan Mudra, resting on the knee. The left hand is held up at the level of the left shoulder, palm flat and facing forward, as if you are taking an oath.BREATH & MOVEMENT: Keep the breath relaxed and normal. Tense only one finger of the left hand at a time, keeping the other fingers straight but relaxed. Meditate on the governing energy of each finger, then repeat the mantra aloud 5 times.Beginning with the Mercury Finger, continue this sequence for each of the remaining fingers, finishing with the thumb.TO END: Relax and meditate silently for a few minutes.This is Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan 


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